The Process Comes Before The Photos
Deeper Image is telling the story of your life through imagery at the point where one chapter ends and another begins. It is about creating an image while in transition. When I was 35 years old, I went through my own (what I call) dark night of the soul. It began with my divorce and it went right into my father passing away as well as my grandmother, all in a period of time just over a year. I needed to be able to express myself without using words. As a visual artist, as a photographer, I went to my camera as a way to do that.
Life Expansion
Imagery is a language that has been around as long as humans have been around. We are moved by it. We are part of nature and we are held by it in a way that is very healing and also very symbolic. This is a creative way of expressing something that may be difficult to express using words. Although I find the whole process much more moving when words describing the subjects' experience are added to the images.
I began by photographing myself with a tripod, I put on my wedding dress, and I chose locations and situations such as a frozen forest with freshly fallen snow or a cliff edge. These places spoke to me through the dreams that I had. I was able to tell a story of what was going on for me at that moment in that chapter of my life. My Deeper Image experience became a whole series, that for me took six years to process. At that time I, of course, met other people going through similar experiences.
The Lonely Path & Leap of Faith
This is what I feel most passionate about in my life, and people have shared with me that their work with the Deeper Image Process was cathartic for them. I like to feel like I offer a safe space to express whatever needs to be expressed. Sometimes life just rolls along and nothing needs to be expressed, but it's really clear when those moments show up, you can't ignore them, for to do so would be to remain asleep and to not live life fully.
Life Transition
My biggest realization coming out of my own darkness was that we are not alone, and in fact, it is the whole range of human emotions, including the more difficult ones that we most often try to ignore that truly unite us and what makes the human experience so relatable.